Baptist Church
About Us
New Hope Christian Missionary Baptist Church
The ministry of the New Hope Christian Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. was organized in July of 1969, by the late Rev. Malachi G. Baker. Rev M.G. Baker faithfully served as Pastor for over 26 years, and has left a profound legacy of dedication and unwavering commitment to ministry and the truths of God’s Word…

We welcome you to our website and are delighted to have this opportunity to engage your attention to the ministry of the NHCMB Church. Please take a moment and watch this video welcome from Pastor Ernest A. Baker, Sr.

Pastor Ernest A. Baker, Sr. is widely known for his sincere and genuine care and concern for the Kingdom and people of God.
Welcome to our website! We count it a tremendous privilege to greet you in this way. It is most apparent that our society is in desperate need of hope. Jesus made a very poignant statement in the bible when He said “…to the extent you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). Jesus is in essence holding us as Christians responsible for conveying hope by serving those who are destitute and hopeless. The New Hope Christian M.B. Church is a ministry that has accepted the challenge of being instrumental in providing hope to those who are spiritually and physically in need of it.